Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2011
Freitag, 20. Mai 2011
Cain Caser

Freitag, 13. Mai 2011
Lecture Heather McReynolds 12.5.2011
Yesterday´s lecture was a good one. Heather McReynolds spoke about her work, and about painting in general.
It showed me, that painting does not have to be under conceptual constraints, but can be intuitive, and out of concious approach. She rather saw the dialogue between the paint, the material, and the painter him/herself. Even if the paintings themselves did not really speak to me, it was nice to see, that someone holding a lecture in College has an approach like that.

127 x 127 cm each / oil on canvas
This Series is dealing with the tension between what an image actually shows, and the story behind that image. I´m very interested in this gap. An image always gives only a fragment of a bigger story, therefore it is not very precise in telling, not to say manipulative. In the first view this series shows rather funny images of people covering their head in strange ways. but I think one can feel, that there is something serious going on. The templates for these paintings come from german newspaper and internet press. The backround of the images are held in a photographic out-of-focus style, the protagonists of the images are depicted in a more painterly manner, maybe more subjective. I wanted to leave the objectivity of the photograph to the backround of the painting, and express the human less neutral, more subjective.
The images are from protesters from Egypt / Cairo, saving their heads from the stones that are being thrown.

Knopf 2/Button 2 / Oil on Wood / 20 x 25 cm
The Appearence of images really interests me. They tell lies, manipulate, but still form the way how we see the world. They are mighty, and sometimes they are misused as a proof.
Basis of these paintings were Ufo images from the 50´s, and 60´s. where there was a big ufo hype, and everyone has seen Ufo´s everywhere.
I think I will continue this series with self-made photographs, where I fake Ufo images myself with very simple objects like ventile caps, tea lights, etc.
Appearence dictates the being.