Sonntag, 27. März 2011

Susan Hiller Exhibition / Tate Britain

The Susan Hiller exhibition was a brilliant one. She just brings order to things, and makes a brillian piece of art out of it. Her Approach is quite simple in most of her work - collecting and ordering and finding interesting criteria in classifying things.

But also the piece..... was a good one for me to look at. The child-story of punching judy turns out to be some kind of horror- or war-scenario, using two projectors projecting on the opposite side of one room. some sequences repeat many times, and slow-motion and out-of-focus-scenes make it authentic. Furthermore an annoying voice repeats stuff like: "This is how to do it" many times.

It was interesting to see, how she turns stuff into horror.

She also had a diverse range of works shown in the tate britain. she works in projects in different approaches. The concept for most of the projects is very simple, which leads me to a lovely conclusion:

The content of every day contains potential for a good piece of art.

Samstag, 26. März 2011

tutorial / danny treacy


NAME OF TUTOR: danny treacy

DATE: 24.2.11

1.What points were discussed during the tutorial?

At first we talked about my difficulties with research and conceptualism. If the work follows the written word, or the written word follows the work, and which role plays the instinct in art, and if research can kill it. I mentioned my problems with the question \"why\" and we discussed the validity of that question. In context with my handbrushpainting, and even more with the puppet head we discussed the role of the \"canny\" and the \"uncanny\" in my pictures. Danny was also interested in the context to my family. on base of the dolls head, we came to my interest for clowns, when I mentioned, that I think that the image of every cute thing also contains it´s opposite, the \"uncanny\" side. Canny told me about the origin of the clowns face, which is a rather horrible story.
Furthermore we talked about my cctv paintings, and Danny adviced me to think about the unity of the series, and to choose places where no cctv is expected.

2. What issues will be thinking further on as a result of this conversation?

I found the advice of Danny concerning the CCTV pictures very useful, so I´m thinking more about the context between each piece, and choosing places. He also said, that he believes, that going on working is the best research one can do, so I will try to find my way through working. I´m also thinking about involving more objects or photos related to my family in my work.


As you have mentioned above I found a strong sense of the ‘Uncanny’ in your work. There is something animated within your imagery of very dead things (the brush, the dolls head, the cctv footage). I think you are using the paint in a very interesting way to achieve this. I think you are right to be thinking about the concept/context which can unite your imagery. I would advise you to look at the work and writings of Mike Kelly, particularly on the uncanny and his collection of objects. I really think your strength is in presenting to the viewer a world that is both innocent, almost childish or naïve, yet there is a strong underlying sense of something not quite right, very good.

Sonntag, 20. März 2011

frank auerbach

it´s a shame that I didn´t came across this painter earlier. one of the most intensive and paste-like painting styles I know. but there also seems to be (maybe it´s just me) that sense of unsharpness like in photos in parts of that painting, where the figure and backround meet.

Donnerstag, 17. März 2011

Graham Rawle

A very interesting lecture. The content of it was not really relevant to me, but just the way he enjoyed doing his art, and transferred this onto the artwork. Graham seemed very idealistic, in terms of who he is working for and for which project.
I also found the simplicity of his work quite stunning. A simple Idea, but consequent working on it.
He really seemed to be united with his artwork. Very inspiring for me, as I´m still searching for the "ME" in art.