jessica voorsanger
1. What points were discussed during the tutorial?
Jessica was surprised, how the visual language of the paintings changed, and how the
newer work conflicts with parts of the written proposal. I mentioned my problems to
follow self-given rules, and also expressed my feelings about the content of my
pictures, and that I wanted to liberate me from that. I told Jessica about a project that
came in my mind over the christmas holidays (make the content google-dependent...),
which I abolished, because of the unpersonal charakter of the internet.
We also talked about the possibilities of the “fake” (CCTV).
We reviewed the possibility to work with randomness to give the content, and how it
could influence my work. We also discussed methodologies that work with temporal
and local constraints (e.g. searching for an object to paint on the streets on sunday) to
make a series of paintings.
2. What issues will be thinking further on as a result of this conversation?
I will try to think in projects, that run over a previously defined period of time, whose
content comes from self given constraints and methodologies. I want to include
randomness of content in my work, and want to work in series (which I tried often,
but never managed it).
3. Any other comments
The name of the artist I mentioned with the camera on the back of his head is
- Wafaa Bilal -
its a misinformation, that the pictures are directly forwarded to the internet.
Max (19/1/11) comments:
Max and I discussed the new directions that the work has taken since his proposal. He, very
interestingly, stated that he nds it very hard to follow rules, even if implemented by himself. I am not
too concerned with his veering o into another direction from the proposal as that allows for development
within the work. My main concern is that in his continued altering from his chosen ‘series’ or
paths that he will miss out on some key points of reection. These become essential points of
learning & understanding his work. The ‘random’ element that he strives for can certainly be key to
the development in the work as long as he is working from an informed perspective and with a
reective practice.
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