A theme get more and more interested in is destruction or vandalism. This game between construction and deconstruction, and howthey are dependent to each other. what is being seen as construction, and what is being seen as deconstruction.
in graffiti there are crossers, mostly kids who destroy others writers work with found spraycans, mostly just for fun, sometimes unconciously, because they can´t differentiate between a good graffiti piece, and tagging and spraycan vandals. they are just trying to make their own marks.

so here are a few pictures i found in an old mag from brian a shabaglian, who pasted a poster of marily monroe in public, and then noticed, how people interact with them.

these images in the mag reminded me of the very famous photo shooting with bert stern, where marilyn monroe crossed out the contact slides she didn´t want to become published . Quite ironic, that these photos became one of the most successful - and most published. A good example where destruction becomes construction - very successful construction.

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