my research about construction and deconstruction reminded me of a action of pixação painters in brazil / sao paolo. on september 6th, 2008 choque was showing a collection of paintings by well-known "street artists" gerald laing, speto and titi freak among others,
when a group of 30 individuals stormed into the gallery brandishing spray cans. the group 'tagged' the entire gallery, also over the artwork hanging. on the walls. the organizer of the pixação attack stated in a message to other members, that the intention of the act was to protest against the ‘marketing, institutionalization and domestication of street art’. they want it to remain in the streets, reaching a mass audience and owned by no one. after the invasion the gallery was (in my opinion) visually much more surprising and interesting than before. the clean, framed artworks made from so called street artists have nothing of the noncompliant attitude graffiti once had. it visualizes how deconstruction, or destruction is actually always constructive. i think it´s maybe also a good example of the visualisation of chaos and order.

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