As I was, and still am very interested in making painting from random encounter, I decided to also include objects in my painting. Even if the first one is actually a copy of a human face. but painting a copy of a copy (and making another copy of it with the painting) seems to be quite interesting for me. both paintings are basically portraits of objects, but also of faces (animal faces as well)
Both are objects that I have a relationship with. My after-painting-brush, and my grandmother´s doll-head, that I found whilst the christmas holiday in germany. I don´t know, if this relationship is really important, but it gives it a sense of nostalgia. Painting in colour felt surprisingly good, I really enjoyed to mix the right colour together. I was also very interesting to depict that sense of out of focus photography, which is a bit stiff to paint, but in the end quite satisfying.
I would love to find a way to combine a painterly, expressive style with that photographic (especially out of focus) way of painting.
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