1. What points were discussed during the tutorial?
we talked about the content of a picture in relation to the size. we discussed, whether applying paint and marks is or is not influencing the content which is communicated. We also talked about the disjuncture between the written context (in the proposal) of the work, and what is actually seen on the canvas.
Furthermore another issue discussed was the idea of translating the imagery of CCTV into painting, and how there could develop a project out of it. We also talked about the presence or absence of people within this project, and how the absence of people could perhaps even support the theme of people in this context. Jessica showed an application on her I phone which could be interesting for me in this context .
2. What issues will be thinking further on as a result of this conversation?
I will think about refining my proposal and reconfigure it around what I´m actually making - or what is actually seen for the viewer on the canvas. I will think about size in relation to the context, and how size can support, or disturb the content communicated.
I will also predict a small, rough work plan within the proposal which makes clear, that I am planning to experiment the first month with different themes (as things are coming too fast in my head to realize a complete project of it) and decide afterwards which theme to furter develop, and which to throw over board.
In context with the CCTV idea I ´m thinking about where to get the images of CCTV footage or if I make fotos myself at exactly the places I see as appropriate. I will also start to experiment with this project practically and try to find a good way to execute it via painting.
When we discussed the proposal fitting what you were doing better it wasn’t about the proposal fitting around the paintings you were currently making, but that the ideas expressed within the proposal were something that you wanted to pursue further within the paintings as you hadn’t yet addressed the ideas that were in the current version of your proposal. The idea is that the proposal will still push your work forward and that your work will progress. If the proposal is written solely to work around your current practice than how will it progress? The new version of your proposal should relate more to the specific themes that currently interest you and that you are addressing within the paintings. As we discussed, the series of CCTV paintings will do this. But to keep the images true to the relationship (and implications) of CCTV, they should be genuine CCTV images rather than constructed ones, otherwise you are created a false truth. Unless that is your intention, it could be very misleading.
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