Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2010


ca. 190 x 190 cm / Oil on Canvas

Another try of a -more or less- randomly chosen face, that I encountered. This time I´m more happy with it, as the backround is more seperated from the face - the foreground. I wanted to lead the eye of the viewer to his eyes, the hair is a bit more blurred, a bit like in an out of focus photograph. The backround turned a bit too much into yellow, because of the use of linseed (maybe too much) , but I had good response to this yellowing effect from other students. The black and white imagery gives it a slightly historic touch. Many people said, if it is someone they should know. It´s an interesting effect, that making portraits big seems to be the indicator of someones famousness. Interesting to confuse people that way, questioning importance, and unimportance.

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